Haiku Poems About Snow | Snow Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Snow and Snow haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Snow Poems.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: snow, winter,


thick blanket of snow snuggling the flowerbeds with a winter wrap

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: winter,

Snow - Angel

tiny snow angel snowflakes kiss your rosy cheeks white winter beauty Any poem you ever wrote not for a contest Sponsored by Broken Wings 14th November 2014 Published in Haiku Journal #33 by Prolific Press

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: anxiety, bird, flower, snow, winter,


one single snowdrop pushes through earth’s icy shawl robin redbreast chirps winter Haiku Contest Sponsored by Tania 12/22/18

Poem Details | by Craig Cornish
Categories: winter,

winter sky

all the lights are blurred
a winter sky is falling~
snow on my eyelash

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: romantic,

We'Re Snow In Love

snowflakes kiss our cheeks winter blanket keeps us warm hearts melt together 03~01~15 Get Romantic – Andrea Dietrich Visual Seven Traditional Haiku 5,7,5 Checked with How Many Syllables ~awarded 4th place~

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: seasons,

The Dawn of Spring

winter thaw begins snowdrops peeping through the snow raising sleepy heads Jan Allison 26th November 2014

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: romantic,


footprints in the snow follow them and discover the door to my heart Entered in contest #2 of 100 sponsored by PD Linda :-) 7th October 2014

Poem Details | by Susan Ashley
Categories: appreciation, beauty, nature, snow, winter,

Snow - Haiku

softly falling hush -
a snowy blanket comforts
hibernating land

Susan Ashley
December 29, 2018

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: courage, snow,

Tenacity and Conviction

harsh adversity
brings forth determination
tulips in the snow

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: seasons, snow,


snowflakes gently fall kissing my dark eyelashes Autumn days are gone 12-10-17

Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: snow, winter,

Snowflakes V

Winter's frozen tears

Scattered on despairing ground 

Sparkling diamonds!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     10 January 2017

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: snow,

A Winter Haiku

prints of our snowshoes

ending where the trail is crossed

by a cougar's tracks

Jan. 16, 2022
For Tania Kitchin's 
Winter Haiku Poetry Contest
checked by howmanysyllables.com

Poem Details | by Silent One
Categories: snow, winter,

Winter Ballet

snowflakes dance mid air jealous sun melts chalk blanket snowmen lose their heads

Poem Details | by VALSA JOSEPH
Categories: analogy, snow, winter,


draped in milky white of soft dazzling silk, land lies~ winter queen enthroned.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: autumn,


september slips in
as asters wave in the breeze . . .
farewell to summer

october’s crisp days
mountains’ gold and crimson blaze . . .
my marveling gaze

november’s wind wails
a lone leaf scuttles away . . .
the fall’s first snow flake

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: dog, fun, humor,

- Haiku X 72 - Dog, Poop and Snow -

Behavior perfect
Deep cold snow how can she poop
My small dog Kissy

If my dog could talk
I try to understand her
She drown in the snow

A-L Andresen :)

Poem Details | by David Meade
Categories: love, weather,

Haiku 29 Wind Snow

wind snow – hard, cold, deep creaking trees, sagging power lines sheets warm next to you
David Meade 11/14/2014

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature

Camellia Sasanqua

Camellia white white
Petals have covered the ground
With the first fall snow

Poem Details | by Kristin Reynolds
Categories: nature, sea, seasons


Winter spirits rise
Released from snow they dance, warmed
Weeping tears of mist

copyright Kristin Reynolds 2008

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: snow,


cold crystalline clouds sparkling snowflakes slowly swirl winter wonderland 29th January 2015

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: love, seasons,


kissing in spring’s rain your touch and sweet passion’s rush in summer meadows our bright autumn strolls warm embraces and that glow kissing in the snow just you and me in every season - isn’t it loverly?

Poem Details | by Brenda Meier-Hans
Categories: beauty, earth, nature, snow, winter,

A Winter Haiku

Snow is just a mask 
Regenerating earths face.
A special peeling.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

Poem Details | by Susan Ashley
Categories: nature, snow, winter,

Winter Wolf - Haiku

deer tracks disappear 
'neath quieting falling snow -
a lone gray wolf howls

Susan Ashley
December 22, 2018

~ Fifth Place ~
Contest: Premiere Contest No. 200, Haiku or Tanka (including cinqku, cinquain or lanterne)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

Poem Details | by William Robinson
Categories: animals, nature, seasons,

Snow Blossom

One bright splash of red
On the snow-covered holly--
A cardinal bloom.

Poem Details | by David Mohn
Categories: snow, sun, tree,

New Snow

in cursive shadows
a sun mused elm composes
    on pristine parchment

      ~~11 Dec 2016~~
         Troika Contest

Poem Details | by Gert W. Knop
Categories: seasonsautumn,

East Wind

Der Wind aus Osten
Treibt schon Schnee über das Land
Am späten Herbsttag

The wind from the east
Drifts already snow across the land
At late autumn day

El viento del este
Ya flota nieve a través de la tierra
En un día de otoño

Poem Details | by Robin L. Gass
Categories: holiday

Light Show

Technicolor bulbs
flashing rainbows on the snow.
Happy Holidays!

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: dance, joy, snow,

- Haiku X 170 - Snow -

the sounds of their feet

                             fresh snow "creak" - starry - full moon

                                  - small gnomes with wool socks

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
howmanysyllables.com 5-7-5

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: hope, nature, sea, seasons


Atmosphere of Spring
Aura of cold, powdered snow
Ambivalence still

Poem Details | by Kim Merryman
Categories: nature, snow,

Berries and Snow

blood red berries
                                              cling to stark branches --
                                                 virgin snow glistens

Entered in Rick Parise's "one of your favz" 1- 8 lines
contest (old poem)

Poem Details | by Susan Gentry
Categories: bird, dance, environment, red, snow, weather, winter,

Winter Prints

Kentucky winter red cardinals dancing across white blanket of snow +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Written 2-17-2016

Poem Details | by T.L. Drover
Categories: nature, seasons


Gracefully falling
Crystals of pure perfection
No two are alike.

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Snowy Blue Mountain

snowy blue mountain double beauty double good... icy frozen heart snow on the mountain fire in hearth a certainty... slow ignited fire
Thanks for the challenge P.D.. Contest Entry by: Sara Kendrick

Poem Details | by Thomas Martin
Categories: bird, moon,

Snow Geese

snow geese
swaddled in clouds
winter moon

Published - Cattails - Spring, 2016

Poem Details | by Raul Moreno
Categories: nature

Warm Memories

Cicada in snow,
Wind rattles the empty shell:
Remnants of Summer.