Haiku Poems About Rain | Rain Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Rain and Rain haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Rain Poems.

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, winter,

Winter Soulscape-Potd

dark, grim sky and soul
          lone crow, flys all alone
          rain wet, liquid coal

                     6pm PST


  POTD.  January 5, 2021

Poem Details | by Paige Hind
Categories: growth, introspection, life, light, love, nature, perspective,


As close as
A porch swing hanging
After rain.

Poem Details | by Warren Doll
Categories: animal, funny, rain, weather,


rain drops hit still pond
surface ripples spread outward
tickling frog bellies

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Spring Rain

spring rain overnight dragging winter's chill... the butterfly

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman
Categories: nature,

Rainbow Ride

A sky bridge
of reflective rain drops...
Crows glide under.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

Poem Details | by Laura Leiser
Categories: flower, nature,

Sunflower Dreams

sunflowers shimmer
      swaying over rain drenched fields 
                umbrellas of gold 

Written on 2/3/2022

Poem Details | by Millard Lowe
Categories: analogy, imagery, metaphor, nature, rain, simile, water,

Haiku Triad

Monitoring self,
nature made her decisions:
disaster rained down…

The water rose—
Life sank beneath the level;
hope floated above…

Like Noah, we wait…
flooding water standing still—
Vultures roost on wires.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: loss


soul-torn trees forlorn will never be ever green too much rain too late For Brian Strand's YOUR VERSE AGAIN any theme/any form max of 12 lines Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: love,

Love Haiku

first light rain -

slippery is the path 

of fragile love                      

A Hi-Ku (6) Contest
Sponsor: Brian Strand
     Placed 1st
Posted Jan 2021

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman
Categories: joy,

After the Drought

primrose coloured sky
grey clouds chase the setting sun…
rain kisses scorched earth

 © Harry J Horsman 2022

Poem Details | by Jack Horne
Categories: nonsense,


rain-clouds hide the sun - -
vicars splash the pope and run
on to kiss a nun

written 16th September for Nina's Mischief contest 
rhyming haiku

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman
Categories: nature,

Nature's Worst

emulating time
the tick tock of the rain drops…
mud slide devours

© Harry J Horsman 2023

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: feelings, rain,

Rainy Afternoon


            Rain sneaking softly
            First soft winds then a cold chill
            Clouds cry lovely tears 

                 March 5, 2020
                 2pm PST

                 Tradiitional Haiku
                 5, 7, 5

Poem Details | by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: beautiful, color, nature, nice, rain, rainbow, sky,

Rain Illinois

gray skies drenching rain
luscious colors in hiding
until the rainbow

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: adventure, analogy, nature,


The wind of Thor
Drives monsoon rain
To frogs delight.

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: flower, rain, summer, sun,

- Haiku X 60 - Sunshine In Bags -

Poor summer sunshine
Greenhouse a wealth of flowers
I fill many bags

17.07.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by David Meade
Categories: desire, kiss, love,

Haiku 10 - Kiss

where is the rain -- my
heart is parched for the moisture 
of your love, your kiss

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: love, seasons,


kissing in spring’s rain your touch and sweet passion’s rush in summer meadows our bright autumn strolls warm embraces and that glow kissing in the snow just you and me in every season - isn’t it loverly?

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: nature, rain,

Rain Haiku

liquid platinum summer ‘cats-and-dogs’ weather monsoon season comes 22nd June 2015

Poem Details | by John Freeman
Categories: nature

Sandcastle Faith

grain structures of sands...
   rain vehement and strong winds

For SKAT’s Contest

Poem Details | by Kash Poet
Categories: life, nature,

Under the Same Umbrella

rain brings us
under the same umbrella---


By:kash poet

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: love, nature,

As Cold Sudden Rain

as cold sudden rain pummels our umbrella. . . . . your long warm kiss For Deborah Beachboard's Haiku Contest

Poem Details | by Stephanie Heward
Categories: forgiveness, inspirational, nature, uplifting


Can you hear the drums
Angel's crying down God's love
Whisper forgiveness

Poem Details | by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: abortion, addiction, africa, anniversary, anti bullying, april, autumn,

Haiku For This Crazy Storm I Was Just In

I was in the car,
swallowed up by pouring rain,
and all Hail broke loose.

Poem Details | by Stuart Andrew
Categories: art, daughter, deep, dream, introspection, love,

Memory Bears

The endless time glass 
where stars drop like sand and rain 
creating flowers

Poem Details | by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores
Categories: love,

Dancing In the Rain

enamored couple
demonstrating crazy love
dance under the rain

Example For Love Turns The World Around Contest

Poem Details | by Caryl Muzzey
Categories: nature, seasons

Faint Thunder

lonesome faint thunder
whispers distant symphony
rain waltzes backstage

Copyright © 2011 By Caryl S. Muzzey

Poem Details | by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
Categories: nature, seasons

Life-- Eta--Springtime

The warmth of the sun
Pitter-Patter of Spring rain
Life blooms Abundant

Poem Details | by Audrey Poore
Categories: august, butterfly, dance, happiness, inspirational, summer,


The butterflies dance
Rain breaks softly
The pause to my tango

Poem Details | by Norman Crocker
Categories: summer,

Summer Day

hot dry wind blowing
no rain clouds in sight today
a summer day dawns

Poem Details | by Audrey Haick
Categories: nature

Ice Rain

a walk in ice rain
                       trillions of crunching beads
                                               cushion my feet



Poem Details | by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
Categories: death, love, wife

Dead Heart

Black clouds : Blood red rain
Thunder roars in agony
 A Broken Heart : Dies

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci
Categories: lost love, sea

Sandcastle Washed Away

So fragile and tall,
as the big dreams that built it,
washed away by rain.

Poem Details | by Michael J. Falotico
Categories: passion

Rain and Love

standing in nature

pouring rain splashes on us

water mixed in love

Poem Details | by Luke Steadman
Categories: nature

Sea Glass and Skipping Stones...

waves shape the sea glass

rain paints the skipping stones

sand frames the ocean