Haiku Poems About Raccoon | Raccoon Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Raccoon and Raccoon haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Raccoon Poems.

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: animal,

Night Visitor


that comical face
watching me – so unconcerned
while tabby looks on

a bandit raccoon
eating with his tiny hands
while tabby looks on

empty kibble bowl
every morning at dawn
tabby just looked on

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: animal,

Raccoon Bandits

against the moonlight
the cool masked invaders
steal the cat’s food

Poem Details | by Mark Toney
Categories: animal, humorous, space,


sly masked marauder
recklessly raucous raccoon
~ the final frontier

Poem Details | by Norman Crocker
Categories: animal,


Baby raccoon
strolls thru neighborhood

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: bird,

Bird Themed Haiku For Contest

surround sound of crows
as a raccoon approaches
innocence of nest


Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: cat,

Country Cat

red cardinal visit
our daughter is delighted
less thrilled about ****

country lifestyle
invites and welcomes creatures
raccoon quite at home

cat observes from chair
prissily sits on high ground
communing both

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: animal, insect,

Yellow Butterfly

yellow butterfly wingspan dramatic in sun - a flattened raccoon

Poem Details | by Karen Croft
Categories: animal,

on a back road

a startled kitten 
and raccoon scurrying 
across the road