Haiku Poems About Mouse | Mouse Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Mouse and Mouse haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Mouse Poems.

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman
Categories: people, philosophy,

Oh Them Hot Air Balloons


Them that need to climb
ride as the hot air balloon--
soon come down to earth

© Harry J Horsman 1992


Ride with the rainbow--
silent as the mouse cursor
across Google earth 

© Harry J Horsman 2010

Poem Details | by Carol Sunshine Brown
Categories: nature,

On Track

cheese lies on the floor
mouse makes his way to the cheese
cat runs for the mouse

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: seasons,

Autumn Refuge

Cat door swings open
Field mouse scampers in --
     Tiny feet warmed

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman
Categories: nature,

Favourite Bird

mystic some say wise--
nature’s predator....
my place mouse free

© Harry J Horsman  2010

Poem Details | by Phyllis Babcock
Categories: nature,

Haiku 45

sun streams
on woodland ferns
mouse scampers

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: earth, imagery, nature, night,


Silhouetted in the moon
wings outstretched
clutching fat mouse.

Poem Details | by Margaret Okubo
Categories: philosophy,

Watch Your Step.

A mouse in a trap------
 Action leads to consequence.

Poem Details | by Scott Kruize
Categories: computer,

Computer Mouse Haiku

A mouse is delicate
Each one must some day fail
Embrace a replacement

Poem Details | by Katherine Stella
Categories: animals, funny, imagination, pets, visionary

Who Cut the Cheese

feline for hire
mouse at it again
cutting the cheese

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: animals, imagination, nature

Cloud Formations

Mickey Mouse cloud high
In the sky, floats very slow
Where is Minnie Mouse

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: life, nature,

Calico Cat

calico cat walks with white mouse dandling from mouth... boy looks for his pet

Poem Details | by Robert Heemstra
Categories: childhood,

A Broken Promise

promises are made
and they always seem to fade
good bye Mickey Mouse

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: animals, death, food, funny, hope, imagination, life, nature


White mouse with cheese runs
Siamese cat one-half paw
Behind, what faces

Poem Details | by Brian Johnston
Categories: life,

Haiku: the Best Laid Plans

trap sprung, mouse missing
a Christmas gift left behind
spinning a grey tail

Brian Johnston
December 6, 2015

Poem Details | by Joshua Adam
Categories: animals, death

In the Name of Science

Cute little test mouse
caged for scientists to share
waits death, for health care

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: animals, education, fantasy, funny, imagination, introspection, mystery, nature

Cat and Mouse Game

Cat types words all day
Mouse cleverly wipes away
It's a cat/mouse game

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson
Categories: nature,

Picking Strawberries

picking strawberries
I found a mouse having lunch
a new row for me

Poem Details | by Phyllis Babcock
Categories: nature,

Haiku 14

a falcon soars
surveying his prey...
field mouse runs for cover


Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

An Owl

an owl flies so low over packed winter's white snow... inattentive mouse

Poem Details | by Abdullah Alhemaidy
Categories: allegory, analogy, hip hop,

Red Spot

gleaming of piping--
two red spot in a black night
pile blind mouse

Poem Details | by Talena Alienmermaid
Categories: nature,


Like fat felt pillows 
 Or a mouse cupped in my hand 
  your plush skin delights

Haiku Created: 3/1/12

Poem Details | by Kitty Cat Poetica
Categories: animal, bullying, death, scary,

The Mouse

slightly gray
purrfect in every crunch
frightened little mouse

The Kitty Cat Poetica

Poem Details | by Dom- X-
Categories: change, character,

Haiku 13

alone in the mountain 
trapped like a mouse in a maze
can't see the light

Poem Details | by Margaret Okubo
Categories: life,

Just a Snap.

A flimsy mouse-trap
   rat gnawing on lump of cheese 
        to a  crunching Snap.

Poem Details | by Joyce Johnson
Categories: nature

Eagle Dives

eagle dives
unseen wire hazard
mouse saved

For Charles Henderson haiku contest

Poem Details | by Abdelwaheb Dhaou
Categories: allegory,


Thwarting sanguine wars
The mountain did spawn a mouse-
Trifling frustration.

Poem Details | by Chris Bowen
Categories: art,

Hillary Duff

shame on mickey mouse
he brought you through tubes and left
messed my head,so young

Poem Details | by Jean Bush
Categories: animal, cat, fear, nature,


I caught a mouse;
      It's in your house.
          Fear on four feet.

Poem Details | by Hilo Poet
Categories: bird, nature,


*Image of Owl Grass Mouse Predator by Pixabay. obscurities
darkness blinks afar inert rug fronds made alive plumes confuse stillness 2021 October 15

Poem Details | by Bl Devnath
Categories: introspection, life,

A Cat and a Mouse

A mouse tries to save
                                           Life is very precious one
                                                A cat keeps silence

Note:- Politicians keep silence

Poem Details | by Bryn Murphy
Categories: funny


Roses are red some people are white 
I don't know when but we will fight
come to my house
and don't bring your little mouse 
and I'll let you know
 how bad I don't want to let it go
So here I am giving you a clue so I'll see you at two

Poem Details | by Chris Bowen
Categories: art,


spake a balloon tune
see mickey mouse,adobe
kill god,with what word?

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: nature

Wnd Pushes the Leaves Haiku

wind pushes the leaves tumbling them against the door.... mouse scurries under

Poem Details | by Robb A. Kopp
Categories: animals

Red Tailed

Screeching in the wind 
Perched high around the bend….
Field mouse met his end

Poem Details | by Virginia Waters
Categories: winter,


no litter in tents

    scuffle --- frost night long --- rustle

          mouse feasts  we listen