Haiku Poems About Magpie | Magpie Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Magpie and Magpie haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Magpie Poems.

Poem Details | by John Michaels
Categories: bird, nature,


gaudy trinkets
ovoid treasures
magpie’s nest


(C) John C Michaels, February 2017

Poem Details | by Sean Kelly
Categories: nature,

Haiku # 19

Crow  magpie  and  dove

Blackbird  thrush  robin  and  wren

The pecking order  .....


Lunch ~time at  our bird~table ; NOT as we wish , but the reality of how it IS !!..

Poem Details | by Asif Andalib
Categories: animals, nature

A Magpie

After a rainfall
A magpie sings and dances
And eats an earthworm!

Poem Details | by Hugo Sarvida Jr.
Categories: beauty, bird, engagement, nature,


A magpie enjoy
Its quality time atop 
A flowering tree.

Poem Details | by John Anderson
Categories: bird,


warbling dawn chorus
warning caroling to all ~
tis my flock of folks

Poem Details | by Hugo Sarvida Jr.
Categories: age, engagement, humorous, old,

My Grandfather

Garrulous old man
Who chattered like a magpie
Is my grandfather.

Poem Details | by John Anderson
Categories: bird,

Aloof Aloft

magpie struts haughty
its demeanor black and white
flips betwixt between

Poem Details | by Luke Hobbs
Categories: art, bird, creation, imagination, nature, raven,


can her colors speak?
iridescent feathers preen,
magpie and raven.

Poem Details | by Ravi Babu
Categories: bird,



comes and goes with lo,
cynosure is its attire,
round it are its pals.

winged with its feathers,
chirping along with its pals,
for prey is magpie.

Poem Details | by Quin Getty
Categories: animal, nature,

Black-Billed Magpie

of mischief and theft
swoop low! brightness of eye, and-
slyer than you seem

August 13, 2021

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh
Categories: beautiful, bird, imagery, perspective,


a bird with a brain

                as beautiful as can be

  but good grief...noisy!

Date written: 07/07/2020

Poem Details | by John Anderson
Categories: bird,

Magpie Carolling

magpie 'tibicen'
you are indeed a 'flutist'-
your warbling delights

Poem Details | by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: bird, environment, mirror, nature,


magpie discernment
	narcissistic tendency ~
		mirrored reflection