Haiku Poems About Lion | Lion Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Lion and Lion haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Lion Poems.

Poem Details | by Abe Lopez
Categories: animals, nature

Lion King

King of the jungle
Ruling behind zoo bars 
Locked up royalty

Poem Details | by Bj Legros Kelley
Categories: life,

Shades of Crimson

innocent white lamb
                                deep darkness; shades of crimson
                                           golden lion roars

Poem Details | by Pheko Motaung
Categories: africa,

The Lion Roars

The lion roars
As if he can scare
The thunderstorm

Poem Details | by Jo Bien
Categories: introspection

Wizard of Oz

no thoughts like Scarecrow
no heart to break like Tinman
no courage like Lion

Poem Details | by Pheko Motaung
Categories: africa,

She Hires a Lion

She hires a lion
As a bodyguard
The chicken

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

The Cat

calico housecat appears bearing limp chipmonk... meeeeow meeeow meee
When does a female lion roar?

Poem Details | by Esther Maccarthy
Categories: identity, leadership, life, motivation,

The King

In the wilderness 
A lion cub knows it when
It is the new king

Poem Details | by Zera Masters
Categories: animals


a lion rolls
in golden dirt
stinking like his brother

Poem Details | by Matt Starking
Categories: hero,

Stand Out and Be Counted

blow your horn
turn your lights on
stand up and be
be a champion
for you were born a
and you grew 
to be a lion

Poem Details | by James Knox
Categories: animals


Laying under tree
Mane flowing teeth bearing grin
King of the jungle

Poem Details | by Katherine Stella
Categories: animals, children, imagination, nature, visionary

The Lion King

king of the jungle
fierce protective playful strong
in their own domain

Poem Details | by Njeri Hunjeri
Categories: internet,

Baby Lion

You bought a baby lion
And you didn't tell
Then you made me watch as you wrestled it
You laughed and blinked

A fateful blink for that was your last
Off you fell to your chilling lust.

Poem Details | by Selena Howard
Categories: nature,

Haiku Trilogy

Haiku Trilogy 

Fox poises mid-step

Rabbit scent tantalizes

Mouth waters wildly


Eyes peer intently

Haunches crouched, slung low to ground

Biding time to spring


Mountain lion growls

Padded feet part tall grasses

Hunter now hunted

©R.Selena Howard-Rowland,2012

Poem Details | by Ernesto P. Santiago
Categories: adventure, animals, life, nature,

Wild Beast

A hungry lion
sits beside the victim like...
a repentant Cain

Poem Details | by Robert A. Dufresne
Categories: animals

03- 02- 2011

Leo living large
Lion lying in his lair
Big belly bloated

Zebra and Zebu
Warily watching, worried
Ready to run

Fatigued full feline 
Snoozes in the savannah
Animals amble

For Chris D. "Aechtner's Alliterative" Haiku contest.

Poem Details | by Patricia Sawyer
Categories: adventure, animals, family, nature


fearless lion roars
a hush falls over the crowd-
clowns empty buckets

Poem Details | by Shane Solomon
Categories: animals, nature

Nefarious Mammal Is My Name

Angry like a bear
Wild like an uncaged lion
Cunning like a snake

Poem Details | by Warner Baxter
Categories: africa, animal, imagery, nature, wisdom,

Gray Whiskered Lion - Haiku


Poem Details | by Olusegun Arowolo
Categories: nature,

Nature Speaks

NATURE SPEAKS(satirical Haiku)

The wind blows heavy
The branches of trees dancing
Baboon is thrown out.

The Bird  is singing
Butterflies feed on  nectar
Chameleon  dormant.

The bee is buzzing
flame of the forest blossoms
....And the lion king dies.

Poem Details | by Boris Mezhibovskiy
Categories: allegory, allusion, cat, psychological,


The mighty lion
sees his own face in the pool.
Does he get frightened?

He drinks of the pool
after a meal of  fresh meat.
Is his parched throat quenched?

He lays in the shade
resting his weary eyelids.
What haunts his nightmares?

Poem Details | by Anthony Souls
Categories: animals, nature

Lion Cloud Spirits

Lion cloud spirits
	thunder erupts the heavens
faeries drench the earth

Poem Details | by Marty King
Categories: cat, cool,

Black Lion Haiku

black lion rests well
waiting to be fed by queens
his life must be nice

Poem Details | by Edward Ford
Categories: animals


King of the jungle
Lord of his own destiny
The power, the pride

Poem Details | by Olusegun Arowolo
Categories: animals, nature,

Lion Roars

birds stop singing...
zebras panic and run
as lion roars


Olusegun Arowolo

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham
Categories: africa,

At the Water Hole

at the water hole 
a sleeping lion awakes  ~
gazelles raise their heads

For best haiku old or new poetry contest

Sponsored By Chantelle Ann Cook. 

Written 24th February 2018.

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham
Categories: africa, animal,

A Lucky Escape

a fleeing giraffe 
hungry lion pride give chase ~
kicks out and escapes

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty
Categories: death, love,

Haiku of Love and Death

musky abdomen

                                  deer's love perfume doe eyes closed

                                               lion reaches out

© rajat kanti chakrabarty

Poem Details | by Christuraj Alex
Categories: animal,


gold wrapped royalty
prowls around in stateliness ~
jungles shake in awe

11 April 2022 
Wild Animal Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
PS Syllable Counter

Poem Details | by Stephen Parker
Categories: animals

Lion Hunt

newborn culled from herd
pride posse surrounds quarry
springing coil of death

Poem Details | by A.E. Rivenbark
Categories: religion,

The Shepherd

Lazy lion lies
Soaking in dewdrops and sunshine
Blind sheep have sweet dreams

Poem Details | by Connie Pachecho
Categories: allusion, beauty, love,

The Zebra Took Off To His Greener Pastures

the zebra took off to his greener pastures

he's lion in grass
for his love to be tiger
the zebra took off

connie pachecho


Poem Details | by Valsa George
Categories: animal, beauty, leadership,


rid of crown or cane reigning king of the forest ~ roaming royalty
Placed First
April.12. 2022 Wild Animal Poetry Contest Sponsor- Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Lonna Blodgett
Categories: conflict, courage, devotion, identity, strength,

The Winter Lion From Kyev

warrior Lion stands proud
snow tanks grip winter wasteland
frozen hearts cry peace

March 16, 2022

Poem Details | by Lee Dibango
Categories: dog, environment, humor, image,

Morning Walk

Morning walk
The stray dog
Thinks he's a lion

Poem Details | by Emile Pinet
Categories: beautiful, flower, image, nature, sensual, spring, yellow,


tooth of a lion bearing a yellow floret... harbinger of spring an invasive plant the curse of suburban lawns... the dandelion (Haiku) 02/16/2023 Spring Flower, Bird or Butterfly Haiku Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin