Haiku Poems About Inspiration | Inspiration Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Inspiration and Inspiration haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Inspiration Poems.

Poem Details | by Susan Ashley
Categories: flower, imagination, inspiration, muse, nature, night, poetry,

Jasmine - Haiku

poet’s jasmine vine

      incense of inspiration

spirit in the night

Susan Ashley
November 8, 2020

~ Poem Of The Day ~
November 10, 2020

Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: inspiration, poetry, romantic,


Angels flapped their wings
Stardust fell from blessed sky
Poetry flourished!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
   21 OCTOBER 2014

Poem Details | by Lin Lane
Categories: environment, horse,

Upon Blue Grass Hills

upon blue grass hills
roan stallion grazed among mares
verdant and serene

~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~
Although not for her contest,
my regards to Tania for her
inspiration.  Merci

Poem Details | by Cynthia Jones
Categories: animal, imagery, inspiration, january, nature, poetry,

Leopards -Rhyming Haiku-

Sneak up on their prey very silent and deadly don't get in their way. Copyright © Cynthia Jones Jan.12/2015

Poem Details | by Phillip Rollings
Categories: angel, dedication,

To - Skat-Oz a Question-Ku

Haiku Princess
I Bow to your pen
"Skat", Are you an Angel?

Inspiration the Poem - Haiku Rally ( 11/16/2011 )
Dedicated to "Scat - Oz"       Respectfully Flipper

Author's note - I think this is a Question-Ku
4-5-6. Thank-you " Scat"

Poem Details | by Iris E. S-Lewis
Categories: adventure, art, beauty, happiness, inspiration, seasons, senses,

Instant Telegram

earth's splendor wakens
aurora borealis 
empty vessels filled.

entry for Nathan D.... Instant Telegram haiku contest.

Poem Details | by Herbert Siao
Categories: imagery, inspiration, moon, peace, red, relationship, romance,

Drunken Moon

**blood moon** 

Waiting for night fall 
The moment of love is made 
The moon is bruised 

~a poet destroyer collaboration~

Poem Details | by Paul Stacey
Categories: nature

It's Never Bland

A collage of life
Inspiration and passion
Our gift to cherish

                                                    For Raul's Solace in Nature competition

Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: inspiration, muse, poetry,

Poetic Rapture

Muse's tender whispers

Inspiration's caresses,

Poetic rapture!

© Demetrios Trifiatis 
         27 June 2017


Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: inspiration, introspection, wisdom,

Drops of Wisdom

Drops of wisdom fell

On ignorance's arid ground,

Understanding sprang!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       21 March 2021

Poem Details | by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: beautiful, flower, grandmother, inspiration, love, memory, words,


in my blooming past
grandma was a beautician
who valued my words

Dedicated to the memory of my late paternal grandmother, Mamie Regulus.

Poem Details | by Besma Riabi Dziri
Categories: inspiration, vanity,

On Vanity

wisdom in the dark
feigned resplendence floundering
vanity flattered!
July 3rd, 2018

Inspired by Demetrios Trifiatis Haiku "VANITY".

Poem Details | by V. Deepa
Categories: emotions, imagery, inspiration, love, moon, nature,

White Blushing Bun

white milky moon bloom dazzles eyes of peace questers oozes odium
August 23, 2020 Note:Haiku - Color With Alliteration Poetry Contest Sponsored by Tania Kitchen.

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, inspiration,

Scented Dawn

              Red tray, scented rose.
              Sunrise on the Book of Psalms.
              Gratitude, amen.



Poem Details | by Maureen Mcgreavy
Categories: poetry,

Crappy Haiku

sitting in nature 
waiting for inspiration 
pooped on by a bird

For Matt Caliri’s
I’m Looking At The Haiku In The Mirror Contest

Poem Details | by David Meade
Categories: inspiration, tree, wind,

Haiku 11 Wind Tree

a tree deformed by
years of wind stands bent but not
              broken, calls to you

Poem Details | by ... Gigno
Categories: courage, faith, hope, inspiration,

One Spirit

Shine, courageously
To block out any darkness
You, the only light

Poem Details | by Robert Candler
Categories: appreciation, birth, blessing, change, character, creation, culture, education, growth, history, humanity, identity, imagination, inspiration, introspection, language, meaningful, power, social, tribute, truth, voice, words,


Thought, said, sung, written
Words bred civilization. 
Words made us human.

Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: inspiration, poetry,


Muse’s tune resonates       
Poet melody composes                  
Verses start dancing!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
 05 DECEMBER 2014

Poem Details | by Milan Georges Burovac
Categories: art, beauty, hope, inspiration, me, music, religion,

Kapayapaan At Pag-Ibig

this time is an art of floating rhymes 
where my ears seek harmony of heart 
against War of Worlds and their fears

Poem Details | by Archana Kapoor Nagpal
Categories: emotions, imagery, inspiration,

Autumn Colours

mood swings --
changing colours 
of the autumn sky

Poem Details | by Elai Cee
Categories: beauty, inspiration, longing, stars,

The Stars

The stars in the night
Giving light like a sunlight
Satisfy my heart

I want to reach you
Just to say something 'bout you
You are beautiful

Oh Looking at you
Remembering all my days
Hope he thinks me too

I know you're not gone
Come with me 'till the night come
Show your smile again

Poem Details | by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: autumn,

Haiku 66-About Hot Chilli Peppers

chilli peppers hanging on stall beds autumn wind Not for the contest,but thanks Andrea for your inspiration Destiny 3( 1st May 1977 ) : )

Poem Details | by Abdulhafeez Oyewole
Categories: addiction, adventure, bible, clothes, color, dark, fear, homework, inspiration, judgement, mirror, wisdom,

A Little Reflection

The notorious gang
Clearly stated in the news
Is now declared Saint

And a pretty ****
Infamous to everyone
Is now called Mary

This political thug
Who attacked lives' belongings
Is now made the judge

In a time like this
Where vices are made virtues 
What's that all about

Poem Details | by Kim Robin Edwards
Categories: identity, inspiration,

Iron Man Seven-Eleven

I am Iron Man Seven/Eleven.
How's it feel to have arms of steel? 
A cast iron head, and a rock hard bed.
I am ready to go to sleep right now.

Short Poem By Kim Robin Edwards
Copyright 2002,2014..ALL rights reserved..

Poem Details | by Jim Tidd
Categories: africa, inspiration,


Sometimes vision breaks
stone walls and hardened hearts
and leads to freedom.

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: art, devotion, inspiration,

World Wearied Grace

Still comes to me
Sitting by the fire
Lamenting my regrets

Poem Details | by Dan Keir
Categories: education, inspiration, irony, school, wisdom, work, youth,

Education-Educaution I

Exam time returns;
Text-submerged teens imitate
Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’.

Poem Details | by Cynthia Jones
Categories: imagery, inspiration, july, poetry, , cute,

Aww, How Cute -Haiku-

It's out for a swim the baby duck looks for food makes a cute picture. Copyright © Cynthia Jones July.21/2007

Poem Details | by Bhavna Khemlani
Categories: deep, devotion, faith, inspiration, life, love, romance,

Love You More

Your Spiritual self reflects purity
experience has shaped who your are
every moment makes me Love you more.

Poem Details | by Gareth James
Categories: inspirational

Inspiration From the Start

The Big Bang explodes-
 then pure beauty floods our lives,
  inspiration forms.

For Raul’s contest

Poem Details | by Lynne Hanson
Categories: heart, inspiration, muse, music, pain, words, writing,

From the Ashes

sad song emerges
heartache's beautiful phoenix
pain fuels creation

Poem Details | by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: autumn,

Haiku 58 Passing Clouds

between shapeless clouds the first peek of sunbeams on rippled waters 5/6/5-modern haiku Inspired by many beautiful Cloud haiku and senryu for pd's contest.Not for the contest but thanks for the inspiration : )

Poem Details | by Wm Paul
Categories: poetry,

On Writing 7-11-14

Forced inspiration
Is not the way to do it,
It must flow freely.

Poem Details | by Tony Driskell
Categories: change, conflict, corruption, courage, earth day, future, inspiration,

New World Order

ninety nine percent
CIVIL one percent WAR the
worse upset ever