Poem Details | by
John Beharry
house, insect, morning, nature, rain, sun, tree,
perched on the treetops
iguana closes its eyes
soaking in the sunshine
the new doorkeeper
of this deserted house
- one mister spider
6 am and falling rain
bed! how cosy you feel
this morning
Poem Details | by
Brian Johnston
among the ruins
iguana carved from bed rock
weathers in the sun
Brian Johnston
April 5,2016
Poet's Notes:
Inspired by a haiku by Amy Losak on Face Book's Japanese Poetry Garden Path
Poem Details | by
Edward Ibeh
animal, imagery, nature, winter,
a life suspended
reptile in dead of winter ~
frozen iguana
Date written: 01/27/2022
Poem Details | by
Leila Knutson
animal, nature,
a small green gecko
smiling in the palapa
watching everything
arachnids calmly
weave intricate spiderwebs
waiting in shadows
a striped iguana
sunbathing on the smooth rocks
watching the ocean
hermit crabs scuttle
on wet sand, going nowhere,
only moving on