Haiku Poems About Human | Human Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Human and Human haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Human Poems.

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: cry, sad,

- Haiku X 80 - Without Feelings -

A stripped cold feeling
The human empty shells shown
One dark angel weeps

http://www.howmanysyllables.com ( 5-7-5 )
A-L Andresen :)

Poem Details | by Mick Talbot
Categories: butterfly, nature, summer,


a painted lady from head to toe… wing to wing human art

Poem Details | by John Herlihy
Categories: life,

Dressed In Rags

Scarecrows dressed in rags

As haunted human beings

Fall down to the ground

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: flower, nature,

Summer Sun

golden sunflowers bask in the warmth of the sun blackbird pecks at worms Non Human Contest Sponsored by Chantelle Anne Cooke 06/16/20

Poem Details | by Milan Georges Burovac
Categories: cry, dark, day, freedom, gothic, war,

D Day

look where I am 
in the memory of a massacre 
human against human

Poem Details | by David Meade
Categories: love,

Haiku 31 Shadow Love

sun then a shadow
                     human silhouette sparkles
                           a full love eclipse 

David Meade
Live Generously

Poem Details | by Robert Candler
Categories: appreciation, birth, blessing, change, character, creation, culture, education, growth, history, humanity, identity, imagination, inspiration, introspection, language, meaningful, power, social, tribute, truth, voice, words,


Thought, said, sung, written
Words bred civilization. 
Words made us human.

Poem Details | by Jack Jordan
Categories: passion,

Haiku 79

Haiku 79
	your fingers make
	music from the instrument
	that is me
This may be a senryu, given it's human rather than nature content. Are there any opinions on the matter?

Poem Details | by Asif Andalib
Categories: inspirational, life, love, passion, romance,

The Art of Sex

For the human race
The game of sex is an art
One has to learn it

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman
Categories: confusion, death, history, natural disasters, nature, seasons,


Nature’s wrath supreme
Tearing down humanity
Human grace denied

Poem Details | by Atour Tamrazov
Categories: family, children, people,

Human Rights

Human rights are the real laws:
To live in peace and not to use any kind of force
Or weapon, people love and be happy!

Poem Details | by Marvin G. Celestial
Categories: adventure, birthday, change, desire, dream,

Life As You Create

In an egg like world
One thought he is what he is
Long before his birth

Doing more shrewd steps
Grounding too much to struggle
Thriving as crystals

Water like mirror
Reminds human true nature
Splendid moments leap.

Poem Details | by Kash Poet
Categories: faith, philosophy,

God the Scientist

the human being a miracle of science god the scientist to be man or ape it is our conscience only progress or regress ===================== Placement:1st ; (August 2011) Contest:Natural and Beyond!! Sponsor:John Freeman

Poem Details | by Brian Johnston
Categories: death, evil, faith, hate,

Haiku: Modern Greek Tragedy

vanity of faith
human death deemed serving God
Isis statue weeps

Brian Johnston
Nov 17, 2015

Poem Details | by Frank Penicaro
Categories: angst

Human Resources

all applied for the same job,
in the same newspaper
lines,lines of people.

Poem Details | by Karen Croft
Categories: funny,

Hillbilly Olympics

yard full of beer cans
cotton balls and human string
food,fun, drunks galore

Poem Details | by Tom Larrow
Categories: philosophy, political, satire,

Human Beings

Don't soil where they sleep because they don't like the smell but poison the Earth?

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: earth, environment, natural disasters, nature,

Please Break the Glass To Save the World Haiku

bees buzz aimlessly pollination is fruitless human race condemned Glass Art Haiku Contest Sponsored by Skat A 05~25~16 I joined soup 2/2/2014

Poem Details | by James Fraser
Categories: angst, fantasy, native american, people, places

Quileute Legends

A pact has been made
No feasting on human blood
The Cullen's behave


Poem Details | by Jim Tidd
Categories: insect,

Oh, the Horror

It trembled in fear
because none had traversed
a human, alive.

Poem Details | by Peggy Caulfield
Categories: religion,

A Spoiled Soul

As poison destroys the human body,
so does consenting to the enticement 
of rebels spoil the soul.

Poem Details | by Jim David
Categories: people

Human Sandcastles

we build ourselves up
into what we want to be...
life's tide erodes us

Poem Details | by Ajayi Angel-Simon
Categories: history

Ancestry: Bards

Homer,Chaucer, Shakespeare, Keats, Eliot Soyinka, Okigbo, Osundare Now me, recycling human ideas

Poem Details | by Honesty Oimbo
Categories: life


The sky cries water always
       without taste
 human eye tears of salt

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: life,


October's harvest twenty foot high 'pon tree.. golden pears wait fate human, bird,or deer insects await quick fall... pear pickle in jars

Poem Details | by Corwin Donovan
Categories: poems, poetry,

Human Nature

We live like lost souls,
Hateful, vengeful, and hurtful,
Numb insentient


Poem Details | by Jeralynn Clark
Categories: urban



Roads North to South
Panoramic art by God
Signed human captions.

Poem Details | by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: mystery

Human Description

Anatomy is an amplification of Amphibology, 
Conspicuous consort of natural ideology,
In consideration of the developing technology. 
Contentious contentment or consummation contemplative, 
Conjectural, theoretical and practicable sociology.

Poem Details | by Steve Meadows
Categories: love

Darkness of Love

Love in the darkness
True love can not be seen
A human being

Poem Details | by Ahmad Sajeed Udashkobi
Categories: art, bangla, corruption,

Magnitude of Democracy

on the Magnitude of democracy

Burning car
Burning home.
ashes of human dreams.

Poem Details | by Stephen Parker
Categories: religion

Babel's Bridge

celestial ladder
human trope bridges divide
divine curse disbands

Poem Details | by Bl Devnath
Categories: people, philosophy, world,

First Step To Humanity

human for human
                                      feel everyone as members
                                              of same family

Poem Details | by M Asim Nehal
Categories: desire, destiny, dream, life, loneliness, longing, love,

Broken Wings - a Haiku Series of 3

The broken wings of
an emperor dragonfly.
Surprise feast for ants.

Fallen from his dreams
reached realities, 
now working harder.

with shattered love life, 
she took human services, 
many lives salvaged.

Poem Details | by Kamal Raj Dahal
Categories: dark, grief, loss, war,

War: Misery of Human Life

Expenses for war
Useless, Only to lose peace
Alas! Rise of poor.

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: faith,

Trinity Hc

three divine beings
two perceived in human form
    one sacred spirit

When is it that three entities can truly be seen as one?
When two are the Father and Spirit and the third is the Son

*February 27, 2019
For Charles Messina’s Charliekucoup challenge