Poem Details | by
Tania Kitchin
autumn, nature, solitude, tree,
crisp rainy morning
leaves blanket wet forest ground ~
hidden hare haven
barren trees sparkle
sunrays warm frosty branches ~
forest awakens
amber pine needles
hide visible forest paths ~
public hiatus
Poem Details | by
Evelyn Judy Buehler
animal, bird, day, nature, snow, winter,
the still black eyed hare
rests under icicle eaves~
birds eat bearberries
Writing Challenge, December - Winter Haiku or Senryu
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobe Ode
Poem Details | by
Kristin Carter
adventure, imagination, life, mystery, places,
Follow the white hare,
among the wildflowers
into Wonderland.
Poem Details | by
Rollo West
Eagle takes to flight
A snowshoe hare seeks shelter
The circle of life
Poem Details | by
Kewayne Wadley
black african american, fun, funny, silly,
If a turtle could.
He would walk faster- maybe.
Find some dynamite.
Poem Details | by
Oluwaseun Ogunbiyi
life, people,
A child’s liberty
Swift as a guiltless white hare
Sprinting in splendor.
Poem Details | by
Natalie The Rogue Rhymer
mole savors plump worm
as hare eyes imminent feast –
blissful last supper
Poem Details | by
Tania Kitchin
nature, winter,
bitter snow blizzard
winter winds whisper warnings ~
snowshoe hare forages
( this poem on PS syllable counter is 17 syllables and 18 on howmanysyllables.com. I posted it as is due to the imagery that it captures. Just a disclaimer since this has been brought to my attention.)
Poem Details | by
Doris Culverhouse
Olympian speed
Tortise and hare race for gold
Disqualified, rage
Anybody watch the Olympics?
Inspired by a poem by Sara Kendrick this morning!! Thanks for the inspiration mom.
Poem Details | by
Rollo West
Sea caps, white, shadows
Fin, cutting above surface
White caps part, Great White
Herons calling out
Congregating over cove
A gaggle of clouds
Eagle soars above
Snowshoe hare, new tracks, no hare
Disguise of whiteness
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick
animal, image,
quietly sitting
dark eyes watching the world pass
singing his own song
red through the forest
tail his rudder as he goes
if a fox can smile
a hare passes by
lifting his nose he goes on
maybe tomorrow
Poem Details | by
Linda Jackson
the mountain hare
turns from brown to white -
eagle circles
Poem Details | by
Robb A. Kopp
adventure, animals, nature
Playing cat and hare
Cotton tail was unaware
Till she caught his stare
By Robb A. Kopp
Poem Details | by
Patricia Sawyer
adventure, animals, death
an old cemetery
tilted gravestones thrusting
~ a Hare nibbles grass
Poem Details | by
Surishiva Kumar
appreciation, imagination, inspirational,
Hare gazing Full moon
Lotus heart in murky sludge
Metaphor for life!
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler
animal, imagery, moon, native american, nature, seasons, spiritual, winter,
cold moon horizon
omniscient orb delays dawn ~
snowshoe hare shivers
(December Full Moon – Mohican)
Poem Details | by
Solomon Ochwo-Oburu
lust, satire,
Hyena called hyenas
to teach them humility
but a fight broke out
They shouted and fought
other animals laughed loud
many broke their ribs
The Hare told them
Do not wear oversize cloth
Think before you try
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler
age, animal, community, environment, nature, relationship, youth,
gregarious wolf
monogamous mating pair ~
voracious young yowl
winter feast scarce
rapacious wolf snuffles snow ~
nimble hare cowers
alpha female reigns
wolf pack provides provisions ~
playful pups gambol
Poem Details | by
Delice Arleen Skelly
snow white arctic hare
grand master of camouflage~
searching is futile
Wild Animal/Hare
Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by:
Tania Kitchin
PS Syllable Counter
Pixabay Image
Poem Details | by
Jennifer Cahill
allusion, animal, autumn,
The radio speaks
of race- children laugh in the dark.
The big eared squirrel
with coffee bean eyes
knows why I toss oat-nut bread
to the Autumn chill.
A sand- colored hare
softly hops, catches my breath.
The sailor sees land.
Poem Details | by
Kurtis Steigmann
animal, nature,
Swiftly and bravely,
The Hare scatters from its home,
a glimpse of nature.
Poem Details | by
Robert James Liguori
maggots swim throughout
dead hare has no more carrots
baby rabbits cry
Poem Details | by
Bernard F. Asuncion
H-eart of poetry
A-ims to entertain readers
I-n different forms.
K-eep up the good work,
U-sing old and new designs,
S-hare them with the world.
T-hink about the styles
I-n composing verse or rhyme,
C-hoosing the right words.
Form: Haikustic
Poem Details | by
Bernard F. Asuncion
A-gony and grief
S-hare the poignant depression,
H-aving felt so sad.
Form: Haikustic
Poem Details | by
Patri Venkata Ramana
snow, winter,
pristine lush green woods
enveloped in avalanche
hare safe in burrow
Winter Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Syllable count: PS
Date: 16-01-2022
Placed : 2nd
Poem Details | by
Jerry Brotherton
The fox and the hare
in a race for survival
the fox goes hungry