Haiku Poems About Hare | Hare Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Hare and Hare haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Hare Poems.

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin
Categories: autumn, nature, solitude, tree,

Forest Collection

crisp rainy morning
leaves blanket wet forest ground ~
hidden hare haven

barren trees sparkle
sunrays warm frosty branches ~
forest awakens

amber pine needles
hide visible forest paths ~
public hiatus

Poem Details | by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: animal, bird, day, nature, snow, winter,

Frigid Noon

the still black eyed hare
rests under icicle eaves~
birds eat bearberries

Writing Challenge, December - Winter Haiku or Senryu
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobe Ode

Poem Details | by Kristin Carter
Categories: adventure, imagination, life, mystery, places,

Just Like Alice

Follow the white hare,
among the wildflowers
into Wonderland.

Poem Details | by Rollo West
Categories: life,

Circle of Life

Eagle takes to flight A snowshoe hare seeks shelter The circle of life

Poem Details | by Kewayne Wadley
Categories: black african american, fun, funny, silly,

Tortoise and the Hare

If a turtle could.
He would walk faster- maybe.
Find some dynamite.

Poem Details | by Oluwaseun Ogunbiyi
Categories: life, people,

A Child's Liberty

A child’s liberty
Swift as a guiltless white hare
Sprinting in splendor.

Poem Details | by Natalie The Rogue Rhymer
Categories: nature,

Moles Last Supper

mole savors plump worm
as hare eyes imminent feast –
blissful last supper

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin
Categories: nature, winter,

Forest Storm

bitter snow blizzard
winter winds whisper warnings ~
snowshoe hare forages

( this poem on PS syllable counter is 17 syllables and 18 on howmanysyllables.com. I posted it as is due to the imagery that it captures. Just a disclaimer since this has been brought to my attention.)

Poem Details | by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: sports

Zero Friction

Olympian speed
Tortise and hare race for gold
Disqualified, rage

Anybody watch the Olympics?

Inspired by a poem by Sara Kendrick this morning!! Thanks for the inspiration mom.

Poem Details | by Rollo West
Categories: nature,

Whiteness Contest

Sea caps, white, shadows Fin, cutting above surface White caps part, Great White
Herons calling out Congregating over cove A gaggle of clouds
Eagle soars above Snowshoe hare, new tracks, no hare Disguise of whiteness

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: animal, image,

What Does the Fox Say

quietly sitting dark eyes watching the world pass singing his own song red through the forest tail his rudder as he goes if a fox can smile a hare passes by lifting his nose he goes on maybe tomorrow Woo-oo-oo-ooo

Poem Details | by Linda Jackson
Categories: nature,

Mountain Hare

the mountain hare 
   turns from brown to white -
   eagle circles

Poem Details | by Robb A. Kopp
Categories: adventure, animals, nature


Playing cat and hare
Cotton tail was unaware 
Till she caught his stare

By Robb A. Kopp

Poem Details | by Patricia Sawyer
Categories: adventure, animals, death

In the Cemetery

an old cemetery
tilted gravestones thrusting
~ a Hare nibbles grass

Poem Details | by Surishiva Kumar
Categories: appreciation, imagination, inspirational,

Profound Simplicity

Hare gazing Full moon
Lotus heart in murky sludge
Metaphor for life!

Poem Details | by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: animal, imagery, moon, native american, nature, seasons, spiritual, winter,

long night moon

cold moon horizon
	omniscient orb delays dawn ~
		snowshoe hare shivers

(December Full Moon – Mohican)

Poem Details | by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu
Categories: lust, satire,

Hyena Called Hyenas

Hyena called hyenas
to teach them humility
but a fight broke out

They shouted and fought
other animals laughed loud
many broke their ribs

The Hare told them
Do not wear oversize cloth
Think before you try

Poem Details | by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: age, animal, community, environment, nature, relationship, youth,

Wolf Trilogy

gregarious wolf
	monogamous mating pair ~
		voracious young yowl

winter feast scarce
	rapacious wolf snuffles snow ~
		nimble hare cowers

alpha female reigns
	wolf pack provides provisions ~
		playful pups gambol

Poem Details | by Delice Arleen Skelly
Categories: snow,

Hidden In the Snow

snow white arctic hare grand master of camouflage~ searching is futile Wild Animal/Hare Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin 13/04/2022
PS Syllable Counter Pixabay Image

Poem Details | by Jennifer Cahill
Categories: allusion, animal, autumn,

Oat Nut Bread

The radio speaks 
of race- children laugh in the dark.
The big eared squirrel

with coffee bean eyes
knows why I toss oat-nut bread 
to the Autumn chill.

A sand- colored hare
softly hops, catches my breath.
The sailor sees land.

Poem Details | by Kurtis Steigmann
Categories: animal, nature,

The Hare

Swiftly and bravely,
The Hare scatters from its home,
a glimpse of nature.

Poem Details | by Robert James Liguori
Categories: animal,

Dead Rabbit

maggots swim throughout 
dead hare has no more carrots
baby rabbits cry

Poem Details | by Bernard F. Asuncion
Categories: poems,

Heart of Poetry

H-eart of poetry
A-ims to entertain readers
I-n different forms.
K-eep up the good work,
U-sing old and new designs,
S-hare them with the world.
T-hink about the styles
I-n composing verse or rhyme,
C-hoosing the right words.

Form: Haikustic

Poem Details | by Bernard F. Asuncion
Categories: poetry,

Deep Distress

A-gony and grief
S-hare the poignant depression, 
H-aving felt so sad.

Form: Haikustic

Poem Details | by Patri Venkata Ramana
Categories: snow, winter,


pristine lush green woods

                                     enveloped in avalanche

                                        hare safe in burrow

Winter Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin 
Syllable count: PS
Date: 16-01-2022

Placed : 2nd

Poem Details | by Jerry Brotherton
Categories: poetry,

Fox and Hare

The fox and the hare
in a race for survival
the fox goes hungry