Haiku Poems About Fox | Fox Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Fox and Fox haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Fox Poems.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: animal,

Time To Dine

renard slyly skulks in the leafy undergrowth success… dinnertime! Renard - traditional french word for fox 27th May 2015

Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: animals, nature,

Silver Tailed Fox


silver tailed fox
running from silent trigger
trampled and fell---


the grasshopper
hops along the fern, 
with long legs---


Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: irony, life, nature, night,

On Moonlit Pond

In the dark forest clearing
a family of ducks
escape the hungry fox.

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: adventure, animal, art,

Berlin Wall

Remnants of wall shelter
from westerly monsoon
city fox finds food

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: fun, math, money,

What Does the Fox Say

wrong calculations
bought my love new coats to wear
        found I broke the bank


is my favourite sound.
Dedicated to my host Skat A.
Author: Paul Callus ~ Feb 2014
Contest: What Does The Fox Say?

Placed 2nd

Poem Details | by Gert W. Knop
Categories: animals

A Young Fox

Ein junger Fuchs / A Young Fox / Un zorro joven  

Ein Leuchten im Gras
Auf der Jagd in der Sonne
Ein junger Fuchs

A glow in the grass
On the hunt in the sunlight
Only a young fox 

Brillo en la hierba
A caza en luz del sol
Un zorro joven

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: moon,

Haiku Moon


speak of the moon
but not of empty presence
the fox      its shadow

on the water
still of night
the moon      its rippled light

moon behind a cloud
           when lovers part
tears without witness

Dave Austin

Poem Details | by Ken Duddle
Categories: death, satire,

The Fox

The fox escapes hounds only to kill a chicken the following day.

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman
Categories: animals, nature, on writing and words,

The Fox

Curious creature
Insidious in nature
An artful dodger

Poem Details | by D.W. Rodgers
Categories: nature,

What Does the Fox Say

Vulpine barhopper
bays pick up line to new moon

Feline target wails
unsheathing sharp claws to show
Hatee-hatee- ho

Grizzly bouncer comes
rescues feline in distress

Poem Details | by Zera Masters
Categories: nature


low red fox
crosses the yard

Poem Details | by Jack Horne
Categories: nature,

A White Rabbit Hops

a white rabbit hops
across the snow covered ground…
sees and smells the fox

Poem Details | by Nathan Leccese
Categories: nature

Nature's Finest

Cunning and daring,
Intelligent woodland fox;
Beautiful red coat.

Nathan Bane Leccese
© All Rights Reserved 06/30/09

Poem Details | by Diane M Quinlan
Categories: family, nature, word play,

Two Haiku Poems On Rabbits

family, nature, word play,


Rabbit dens dug deep
Hides the family inside
From red fox entry!


Rabbits foot luck charm
From unlucky rabbit kills
As he stews in pot!

Poem Details | by Linda Jackson
Categories: animal,

Harvest Moon

harvest moon rises -
fox dances with delight
whilst owl hoots for joy

Poem Details | by Nicole Rodriguez
Categories: animal, england,

What Does the Fox Say

Creeping slick as silk
Crimson foxes scour the night
Like screaming banshees.

Mom and pups scatter
Like fluffy roaches fleeing
When we peek outside.


Poem Details | by Audrey Haick
Categories: nature

A Silver Fox

a silver fox slinks
its eyes glint sharper than steel---
swift as lightning bolt


This was inspired by p.d.'s sponsored contest.

Poem Details | by Carol Sunshine Brown
Categories: nature, seasons,

Fox In Field of Snow

fox in field of snow eyes focused on a rabbit... dinner soon caught
Contest Entry "Animal Haiku" Honorable Mention

Poem Details | by Natalie The Rogue Rhymer
Categories: nature,

Bear's Belly Grumbles

bear’s belly grumbles
so digs teeth in scrumptious fox…
pre hibernate treat

Poem Details | by Warner Baxter
Categories: animal, farm, fun, nature, symbolism, wisdom,

Owl Is Wise Fox Sly

~*~ owl is wise fox sly elephant never forgets cows and pigs don't care ~~**~~ ~*~

Poem Details | by Selena Howard
Categories: nature,

Haiku Trilogy

Haiku Trilogy 

Fox poises mid-step

Rabbit scent tantalizes

Mouth waters wildly


Eyes peer intently

Haunches crouched, slung low to ground

Biding time to spring


Mountain lion growls

Padded feet part tall grasses

Hunter now hunted

©R.Selena Howard-Rowland,2012

Poem Details | by Christian Guild
Categories: fun,

What Does the Fox Say

Mama said be a free soul.
Wild like a dog fox.

dedication: Mama-dum-day-do

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci
Categories: funny,

What Does the Fox Say

No fox is hungrier
than the one hiding to catch
a squirrel so small.

The fox hasn't eaten
in days and her stomach growls,
she watches every move.  

The poor squirrel is
unaware of the fox's intent,
and just ignores her.

The fox moves forward,
takes off as to get her meal:  

Poem Details | by Ann Copland
Categories: animal,

What Does the Fox Say

black on white flash 

behind quiet green kudzu leaves 


Poem Details | by Don Ruch
Categories: funny, humor,

What Does the Fox Say

Megan Fox speeds off
On her motorbike, she mounts
what does the fox say?


Poem Details | by Haiku Dragon
Categories: bird, humor,

What Does the Fox Say

facebook and twitter 
we love social media-
little bird goes tweet

Poem Details | by James Foulk
Categories: animals, nature

Fox Leaves Den

Fox resting in den

houses being built each day

fox finds a new home.

Written 5-25-11

Poem Details | by Afroze Ali
Categories: fruit,


Grapes on the grapevine
oh, such a delightful sight
fox thinks they are sour

Grapes on the grapevine
oh, such a delightful sight
hanging looms of wine

Grapes on the grapevine
oh, such a delightful sight

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: animal, image,

What Does the Fox Say

quietly sitting dark eyes watching the world pass singing his own song red through the forest tail his rudder as he goes if a fox can smile a hare passes by lifting his nose he goes on maybe tomorrow Woo-oo-oo-ooo

Poem Details | by Michael Newman
Categories: death,


dying fox ~


on bluebells

Poem Details | by Olusegun Arowolo
Categories: animals, nature,

The Skunk Farts

The skunk farts
fox squeaks and moves away...
defensive trait

Category:doobutsu;       Kigo:skunk

Olusegun Arowolo

Poem Details | by Russell Sivey
Categories: nature,

A Diamond Fox

A diamond fox Ready to pounce on litter Sparkles show intent
Russell Sivey

Poem Details | by Michelle Phillips
Categories: imagination

The Old Fox

The old sly fox
silently waiting
for his next meal

Poem Details | by Theresa Stephens
Categories: animal,

What Does the Fox Say

Fox cub ventures forth

Blood-orange pelt, white-chested

Sneezes seed pod out

Could imagine this is a fox sound.

is quite funny!

Poem Details | by Richard Lamoureux
Categories: nature,

Haiku Four

Fox sits patiently
A cunning expectant foe
Waits for his dinner