Haiku Poems About Baptism | Baptism Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Baptism and Baptism haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Baptism Poems.

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson
Categories: baptism,


holy water
the tiny white gossemer
dress she wore

Poem Details | by Richard Lamoureux
Categories: baptism, beauty,

Drip Drip Drip

water drips slowly
large puddle forms on ground
birds splash playfully

For S.K.A.T.'s picture perfect Haiku contest.
I managed to snag the last spot.

Poem Details | by Hija De La Luna
Categories: baptism, christian, faith, happiness, happy, heaven, jesus,


In this humble place,
This very moment You come;
Glorious indwelling.

Poem Details | by Raul Moreno
Categories: nature

Morning Baptism

Sprinkled by the dew,
Nature’s purification:
Flowers born again.

Poem Details | by Pheko Motaung
Categories: assonance, baptism, lust, money, poverty, power,

He Drinks Zamalek

He drinks zamalek
In the shade of 
The jacaranda tree

Poem Details | by Iris E. S-Lewis
Categories: addiction, adventure, angel, baptism, courage, encouraging,

Where Freedom Finds the Fire

Recovery reigned

beyond lure and fire and ice


to baptismal pool.

Sponsor: Jusin Bordner
Contest Name:  "Where Freedom Finds The Fire"
Deadline: 4/26/16

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: adventure, appreciation, nature, nostalgia,

Lunar Baptism

Full moon rises clean
deep baptismal Atlantic
starboard full steam ahead.

Poem Details | by Joseph May
Categories: nature, rain,

Soothing Rain

she soaks up the rain
 with arms outstretched, finding bliss
 in  nature's  baptism

Poem Details | by Robert Heemstra
Categories: baptism,

Game of Life

Life's a waiting game
Heaven or Hell is waiting
there's no in between

Poem Details | by Raul Moreno
Categories: nature,

Nature's Rite

Seasonal petals,
Anointed by dawning dew:
Morning baptism.

Poem Details | by Iris E. S-Lewis
Categories: baptism, betrayal, desire, life,


HAIKU #13,002.........................................................Security

Torrential rain
Rain hood is leaking
Slithering rain.


Poem Details | by P.M. Richter
Categories: baptism, journey,

Pine Needle Enlightenment

I am the pine tree
not this individual -
pointing to the sun

I am the planet
not this individual -
reaching for the sun

I am the cosmos
not this individual -
orbiting the sun

I am the I am
not an individual -
bathing in the sun

Poem Details | by Ijm Seven
Categories: baptism, beauty,

Sierra Spring

Mountain flowers bloom
on sunlight dappled hillside-
my spirit rests

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: adventure, allegory, analogy, baptism, betrayal, longing,


My wrongs were long ago
my rights corrupt my mirror
i'm about to run

Poem Details | by Anthony Biaanco
Categories: baptism, spring,

Pink Eye

brazen tulip tree
into the green eyes of spring
flashing her light pink

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf
Categories: birth, life, water,

Water Is Life

cold the earth ... immerse
                submerge ... shower swim or bathe
                           baptism ... rebirth

Poem Details | by Manya Saxena
Categories: absence, anxiety, baptism, desire, dream, emotions, faith,


Naked and dejected, Between heaven and the void, Struggling yet contented.

Poem Details | by Jack Fury
Categories: 12th grade, eulogy, farewell, soulmate, spiritual, today, woman,

Baptism of Love

this baptism of love will cheat my heart in the end and fool me again

Poem Details | by Farihaa Farihaa
Categories: 10th grade, america, angel, baptism, identity, perspective, political,



Clad in off white man
In charge of religion world wide
Trying to save the world

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: adventure, art, baptism, future, homework,

A Small Trip

Spinal s plentitudes
solo cranial carvings
soulful solitudes

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: anniversary, appreciation, baby, baptism, birth, parents,

Post Borndom

Umbilical mime cries
placental free for all
pre born to be wild

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: appreciation, baptism, body, courage, future, graduation,


At home in space time
Soft music under our stars 
the facts of our dreams

Poem Details | by Farihaa Farihaa
Categories: 10th grade, america, angel, baptism, identity, perspective, political,



Clad in off white man
In charge of religion world wide
Trying to save the world

Poem Details | by Viktor Horvath Eisenstein
Categories: anger, money, political, war,

Away With Money

Money Comes! All is Mad!
People Derranged! World is Sad!
Jumps a' hole! Deep and Sore,
Rid all Money! No pain No more!

Rise up O' People! See behind,
Away with money! Lift the Blind!
Remove all resists! Revolt enrage!
Baptism by Blood! Cleans sins of this age!

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: adventure, appreciation, baptism, change, inspiration, light, spiritual,


From your dawn slumber
seek yourself one to another
reflect, flow downstream

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: baptism, conflict, death, heart, truth, universe,

Planned Obsolescence

Watch me walk the mile
approaching death unfamiliar
finding hills of home

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: allusion, america, angst, baptism, cry, philosophy, spiritual,


In the guise of life
patterned circumstances
affirmation Howl.

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: baptism, birth, celebration, forgiveness, graduation, inspirational,

On Bardo Time

Buddha numerics
Time between death and rebirth
cosmic waiting room

(bardo- intermediate space of time between 
death and rebirth. Symbolically, 7 to
49 days in Buddhist time.)

Poem Details | by Karen Jones
Categories: baptism, bereavement, birth,


Moon willow baptized white light
Dance darkness dewy devine
Bloody babe stillborn

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: appreciation, baptism, how i feel, inspiration, love, son,


Life of lotus lights
dance by flying winds of change
Astral traveling

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: abuse, art, baptism, creation, dream, flying,


blue haze
mental acupuncture cliff
habitual word tripwire

(hiku a form of haiku with 16 syllables. 
Did this only to enter a contest.)

Poem Details | by Dave Collins
Categories: baptism, surreal, universe, uplifting, visionary,

Shine On

Above and below
Buddha browses karmas sent
Magic spaces of mind

Poem Details | by Susan Mills
Categories: angel, baptism, courage, friendship love, god, native american, red,

Skin Tone

alabaster skin
red skin in the family now
feather in a cap

Poem Details | by David Hyatt-Bickle
Categories: baptism, change, christian, peace, religious, uplifting, water,

Baptism of the Broken

Swirling and broken
Diving in with mind and flesh
Into the serene

Poem Details | by Maclawrence Famuyiwa
Categories: baptism, happiness, imagination,

Taste twice

dressed in orange dress for my orange fruits' harvest yum my juice is twice nice