Haiku Poems About April | April Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about April and April haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other April Poems.

Poem Details | by Susan Ashley
Categories: beauty, life, nature, river, water, youth,

Waterfalls of Expectations

spilling mother’s milk
Nature’s bounty feeds her child -
river’s youth fades fast

Susan Ashley
April 29, 2020

~ Fourth Place ~
Premiere Contest: Hi-Ku (5)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

Poem Details | by Susan Ashley
Categories: beauty, morning, nature, song, sun,

Morning Song of Praise

'neath buttermilk skies 
my soul on the horizon -
I have found my voice 

Susan Ashley 
April 26, 2020

~ Third Place ~
Morning Praise Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Raul Moreno

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, nature,

Dressed By Nature

emerald green growth dresses the rocks and pebbles natural velvet 101 poems in a row Contest #18 Sponsored by PD Linda:-) 5th April 2015

Poem Details | by Michael Dom
Categories: april, children, spring,

1 Cherry Blossom Haiku

Sakura breathing...
along an old stone footpath
children are laughing

Poem Details | by Kp Nunez
Categories: art, beach, beauty, nature,

Beach Beauty

beach that's long and white
    seen through the coconut palm
        picture perfect view

13 April  2015
SKAT's Picture Perfect Haiku #1 Contest

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, flower, nature, spring,

Snowdrops Haiku

sun shines through the clouds peeping through the thawing soil one single snowdrop Contest judged on 13th May - received N/A Submitted to second chance 2 sponsored by Eve Roper Traditional haiku 5/7/5 28th April 2016

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, seasons, spring,

Spring Haiku

forest newly dressed wearing her emerald gown she dreams of summer Submitted to Any poem written in April Contest sponsored by Laura Loo 10th April 2016

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, nature,

Conceited Bird

arrogant and proud nothing ruffles his feathers train of eyes watching *The peacock’s tail is known as a train Jan Allison 8th April 2015

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: sun,

Summer Sun Haiku

summer sun - 

under the vine trellis

mottled shadows

One haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Line Gauthier
         Placed 2nd
Posted 18th April 2021

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: cat,

Black Velvet's Rumble Box

stroking black velvet until her tiny rumble . . . becomes a huge purr April 6, 2022 for Robert James Liguori's Black Cat Haiku Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier
Categories: blue, flying, insect, light, nature, summer,


a blue wisp
of a whisper

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

posted on April 21, 2019

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: april, beautiful, spring,

- Haiku X 122 - a Sense of Spring -

Sprouting, stunning birth
Fragrant... sunkissed flowering
Awakening lush

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
5-7-5 - www.howmanysyllables.com

Poem Details | by Kp Nunez
Categories: beach, beautiful, body, color, imagery, nature, summer,

Summer Haiku

pink shells on brown hand
     as blue water lap white sands
           keen contrast of colors

15 April 2015
Picture Perfect Haiku #2
Sponsor: SKAT A

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, freedom,

Leaving Home

Parents nurture young Finally freedom to fly Fledglings spread their wings 28th April 2015

Poem Details | by Bl Devnath
Categories: april, funny,

April Fool

today's April fool
                                        known to all needs to have tool
                                         ooh! advance cheek's smile

     Inspired by: JAN ALLISON

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: animal, cute, nature,

- Haiku X 182 - Newborn Lamb -

newborn in april

                                  short visit on frozen ground

                                              - not 100% wool

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: wind,


we cannot see it but feel it everywhere cooling summer breeze 24th April 2015

Poem Details | by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: abortion, addiction, africa, anniversary, anti bullying, april, autumn,

Haiku For This Crazy Storm I Was Just In

I was in the car,
swallowed up by pouring rain,
and all Hail broke loose.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: nature,

Ignorance Is Bliss

gambolling spring lamb eating lush grass in fields soon to be dinner 29th April 2015

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: tree,


like my heart

weeping willow hangs –

     without fruit

*April 28, 2018

Poem Details | by Lu Loo
Categories: butterfly, nature,

Flirting Butterfly

fluttering romance butterfly flirts with sun set strokes of a rainbow Written: Laura Loo ~Date Written: April 26, 2016~

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: bird, freedom,

Oh, Songbird

I glisten in the shining wind. . . oh, songbird, fly me away April 19, 2017 N/A in a haiku contest

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: fish,

A Fish Haiku

gulping for air
when minnows swim
beyond their depth

A Fish Haiku Contest
Hosted by Mick Talbot
Placed 3rd
19th April 2018

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham
Categories: fruit, nature, tree,

Haiku Tree

apple trees
bear red yellow green
tasty fruit

Written on April 30th 2018

Poem Details | by Brian Johnston
Categories: journey, life,

Haiku: Traditional 47

clouds eclipse the sun
my shadow plays hide and seek
on daisy filled dell

Brian Johnston
April 27, 2016

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Gods Tears

gods tears cooled them
gentle imagination
lilacs in april

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier
Categories: autumn, dark, nature, november, remembrance day, sky,


november skies
over poppy fields

posted on April 27, 2019

Poem Details | by Geoffrey Brewer
Categories: tree,


Do not shun
The tree of knowledge
Eat the fruit

28 April 2018

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier
Categories: change, flower, nature, rain, spring, surreal, tree,


falling petals
of apple blossoms
rain on my parade

AP: 2nd place 2022

Posted on April 11, 2019

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: spring,

All In a Spring Day

first blossoms
on the cherry tree . . .
dawn winks pink

the honey bee
finds blue hyachinth . . .
the peaking sun

the empty garden
as twilight’s sky
spills violet

April 18, 2021
for the Spring Haiku Chain Poetry Contest of M.L. Kiser

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier
Categories: april, dark, music, night, rain, spring, time,


april rain
music thru the night

posted on April 19, 2019

Poem Details | by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: death, fear, war,

Weeping Angels

Clear was Ukraine's sky

Drops of rain started to fall --

Angels' bitter tears!*

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       12 April 2022

* Dedicated to all innocent victims of Ukraine's war.

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier
Categories: butterfly, light, nature, sky, summer, sunshine, surreal,


butterfly wings
sunlight kisses

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Posted on April 18, 2019

Poem Details | by Christuraj Alex
Categories: bird,


sacrificial blood  
how long could it lively count? 
world ponders the truth

12 April 2022

Poem Details | by Chantelle Cooke
Categories: adventure, art, cat, moon,

black rose

petal paw prints pounce starry eyes twirling with tail black rose under moon April 4th 2022 Contest: Black Cat Haiku Sponsor: Robert James LIguori 5th Place